Monday, September 17, 2012

How to Get Rid Of Blackheads

How to Get Rid Of Black Heads In summer season mostly women face the problem of blackheads and they don’t know how to get rid from them . But it isn’t a difficult task because this problem only occurred on your face due to the excessive oils from follicles in the face skin. These excess oils dry your skin surface and block the pores which cause blackheads. Here are some tips while using these tips you may get rid from blackheads easily.
To keep your skin healthy and fresh drinks a lot of water especially in the morning time.
Use best moisturizer which suit on your skin and protective foundation before applying makeup.
Avoid from over uses of perfumes because perfumes contain alcohol which increases the sebum produced by the glands.
Don’t use towel on your face if you want to use so, use especial towel on your skin.
Avoid squeezing the pimples or blackheads while washing your face.
To remove the blackheads you may use this mixture on your face .mix some oats wheat and a grated lemon peel and make paste while using water and then apply on your face easily.
Another tested mask which you may made at home easily:
1 tablespoon milk
1 tablespoon grounds oats
1/4 tablespoon rose water
1/3 tablespoon of yeast dissolved in lemon and rose water
1/4 tablespoon of lemon juice
All these ingredients mix well and apply on your face except around the area of your face. Leave it for 15 minutes then remove with wet cotton pieces .this mask will clean your skin, if you use this mask thrice time a weak then you may feel huge difference in your skin and get rid from the blackheads.

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